Sunday, March 22, 2009

Since when did everything get so complicated?

Had a nice conversation with an extraordinary friend today. We chatted about life, and how extreme everything is. How crazy it is that such life changing events can happen in seconds. And how while we were sitting in a bench at subway someone could be making a crazy life changing decision that could in part, have a toll on me.

I can't come to grasp the fact the I've already been out of school for two years. And with in that short amount of time, I got a second job, and quit the first. I've swam through many social circles, never exactly finding my niche... only thinking so. I've had so many character building experiences in the last 6 months, I'm still trying to catch my breath.

I don't understand regrets, what's the point of wasting life away by consistently focusing on the past. Yes, everyone wants at least one do-over, but why beat yourself up over what you can't simply do-over?! Nothing is simple, not even buying a gallon of milk. You have to get into the car, drive to the store, walk to the cooler, open the door, turn around, go to the counter to pay, get back into the car, and drive home. There isn't a milk man. Basically my point is, if a simple task such as purchasing groceries isn't easy then why does anyone think anything else should be?

How can people move on with such ease, and just leave something behind? Something that at one time they thought they couldn't live without, couldn't bear the thought of ever seeing the sun again without having that familiar feeling of comfort. I don't get it! Would 1 2 3 4 5 be okay if 4 was missing? Would mankind just become comfortable to the thought of 1 2 3 5? I could never imagine so. But then again, at one time the smartest people in the world thought the earth was flat right?

I need to get out of here, everything is messing with my head. Someone give me vodka.


  1. This. is a spectacular post. The way you think of things Jordin...

    By the by, I have a whole bottle.
