Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ramble. Ramble. Ramble.

Fell asleep around 6 this morning, woke up at 2. I laid there for awhile thinking, about nothing in particular just thinking. I thought about hypothetical situations and that amused me. I watched a movie, 'Chaos Theory'. It was pretty interesting, I haven't finished it yet though, it could easy go either way. Very good, or very horrible. It's one of those movies that you watch with no intention and have no opinion about until it's over. Mainly because you can't be sure if you like it, or absolutely hate it.

Uhh. I'm ranting.

I need to work on this ranting thing. Lately I've gotten too far into taking little stories and just running with them. For no reason, I just do. I've done this all my life but it's become especially current. So, where was I?

Started drinking at 3. This is my sunday, for the most part everything is closed and there is no use to waking up. This has become my look at pretty much every day. I have a hard time caring this week. I think i'm drowning in my own pool of emotion, and I couldn't even give a shit about it anymore. Wow. That becomes extremely depressing after you write it. It didn't seem that bad in my head.

This is my day. Oh! And bonus, liquor stores are closed today.

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